Nonprofit Leadership: Tending to the Mental Health of Staff and Supporters
So often, nonprofits exist to serve others. Their focus is on the needs of the community, and its staff is comprised of hard-working, big-hearted individuals who care deeply about the mission and about other people. However, it’s important that nonprofits don’t become so focused on those they serve that they forget the ones doing the serving. Staff and supporters of nonprofits struggle and need mental health support too.
Staff and supporters of nonprofits are not immune to the country’s mental health crisis and are in particular susceptible to burnout and stress. The work-life balance can be difficult to maintain when your heart is committed to the mission, and some may end up working around the clock in pursuit of helping others. Nonprofit leaders create a more sustainable and healthy organization when they prioritize the needs – both emotional and physical – of their supporters and staff.
This means facilitating a positive work environment, leaders who promote the well-being of their employees, programs that address mental health, and potential opportunities through insurance for free or discounted care. It’s imperative that staff and supporters of nonprofits feel as though they are part of a caring community.
Nonprofits that prioritize their staff as well as their mission are ensuring positivity, longevity, and continued commitment from supporters. LMC Legacy Foundation is always looking for new partners with creative solutions to these types of unaddressed needs. Bring us your innovative ideas to help train nonprofit leaders to better support those who give so much to our communities.