Inspiring Innovation in an Increasingly Fragmented Society
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing was encouraged in order to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Now, in the wake of the pandemic, some researchers are asking questions and delving in to the lingering social and mental effects of social distancing. What has been uncovered is that loneliness – already on the rise prior to the pandemic – has only continued to increase.
A report from the Making Caring Common Project suggests that 36% of Americans experience “serious loneliness.” This includes 61% of young adults and 51% of mothers with young children. There is no doubt that loneliness has become a pandemic of its own, as society increasingly fragments and becomes more individualized. Most people desperately need a community, but few have that solid support system. The lack of a community is a detriment to one’s mental health and can leave gaping holes in one’s psyche – and in society as a whole.
That’s why LMC Legacy Foundation is committed to promoting hope and healing through their support of integrative behavioral healthcare resources that nurture mental health, resilience, and innovation. As the needs of society change, innovations in mental health care are also necessary. The heart behind these innovations and advancements is to connect others, not only to each other, but to the help they may need.
Though many in society may feel more isolated and disconnected than ever, there is hope through meaningful connections.