Funded Projects in 2021
Dr. Brinton Rutherford, LMC
Grant Title: Influencing Behavioral Health and Wellness of LMC Leaders and Members with the IDI Psychometric Tool and Qualitative Wellness Assessment
Grant Focus Area: LMC Leadership and the African-American Intercultural Leadership Team (AAILT) seek to increase intercultural competence in LMC. Since 50% of LMC congregations are predominantly people of color, this is critical for mission. LMC worships in 10 different languages: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, French, Karen, Mara, Amharic, Swahili, Nepali, and Creole. The project equips leaders and members to increase intercultural competence and, hence, increase overall wellness.
Award: $24,000 with intention for additional funds over the next 6 years of the project.
Project Description: The project will first address internal LMC policy questions. Second, the project will address resource development by the AAILT to aid leaders and congregations to move out of “minimization” toward “acceptance,” and “adaptation” in the language of the Intercultural Development Inventory. The IDI process combined with qualitative wellness assessment will equip LMC leaders and congregations to gain intercultural competence and to increase overall health and wellness in the pursuit of mission. Lack of intercultural competence creates stressors that reduce overall wellness and reduce mission effectiveness.